Nexus Conference Dresden – UNU-Flores – Where people meet

Dresden, May 18th 2017

The Nexus Conference 2017 (Water, Energy and Agriculture) attracted over 400 professionals to Dresden. I was there with an DWA booth and attended the conference. Beside that DWA and United Nations University UNU-Flores signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work closer together in the years to come.


During one evening these seven people from 6 Nations (USA, Tunesia, Bukina Faso, Iran, Jordan, Germany) spend a very nice evening together.  We went through Dresden and I explained  a bit the history of Dresden and Germany. We expored that all the nations are interconnected e.g. by religion, trade or projects. This years we celebrate 500 years of Martin Luther – the priest who became the first protestant.

Collaboration and international work is one part of my job.
It is not only a job – it is joy and I appreciate this work very much.

Rüdiger Heidebrecht