New Zealand – worth to visit 

Xmas 2016 varies this year. Time out in New Zealand (NZ) – a country worth to visit.

Clean air and water, nice relaxt people, beautiful landscape and good weather. The place I live in Germany (NRW) has 18 Mio. people – NZ has less than 5 Mio. Here is space enough, nature and water. NZ is using its resources – geothermal and water energy  are covering 70% of the energy. Nuclear power is 0% – nice. 

Adrenalin is NZ selling item. Wherever you go you can jump from a bridge or plain, ride a fast Jet boat, take mountain bikes or ride a horse. 

I took the Jet boat – that was fun – a good use for that clean water. I´m sure the wildlife on that part of the river has problems to live in peace. 

Nevertheless a good present for xmas 2016 and my 60th birthday. 

Rüdiger Heidebrecht

Singapore has changed it’s Marina

It it the fourth time beeing in Singapore. (1989, 1991, 2005)

Beside the financial center the Marina has changed a lot. Marina Beach Hotel and the Garden by the Bay are new for me. These places are unique. The Bay got a new barrage and that area (in the back) turned into sweet water.

Quit a number of changes for a City with 5.5 Mio. people. In water matters PUB is always on a smart way. They want to use their water properly.

If you think Germany is a clean country – you should see Singapore – they are on the top ten in the world.