QR-Code Project for WWTPs are on the way


Hennef Feb. 2016

New Training System for Wastewater Treatment Plants WWTP.

Achim Höcherl, a senior wastewater operator from Bonn, took up the challenge to develop a new training system.
I’m coaching this project. With the help of QR Codes – quick resonse – learning material can be make available on your smartphone.
Individual plates for the different stages are placed at the different stages in 4 WWTPS.

New technicians using their smartphones, they go to the different stages and get the information. videos, audio files, text and a quiz at the end are available. The test will last till july this year. After that the new teachware will be translated into English. The system will combine new smartphones technology used by young staff and teaching material and is a new teachware for the future.

Rüdiger Heidebrecht 13.3.2016