First test for the 1. DWA International University Challenge in 2016 successful



Water Berlin 28. March 2015

For the first time DWA organized a game for students.  The skills competition for technicians was etablished 2010. Now we want to establish a University Challenge. With this first test it’s proofed that such a game is possible and that the students like it. Together with DHI the serious game provider we asked the 10 teams (three each) to plan a region. One game used the DWA cards showing different environmental infrastructures, the serious game simulates the water infrastructure. I three hours the winner where choosen and the game was over.
The next game will be in China, than in India and the 1. DWA International University Challenge will be held during IFAT 2016 in Munich.
If you are a Masterstudent join in with a team.

Rüdiger Heidebrecht