Traing of Trainers (ToT) in Bangladesh



Curricular development in Bangladesh

Last October I trained again a group of engineers in Dhaka to become better trainers in the wastewater sector of the textil industry. GIZ hired me again to improve the local trainer capability in training. We developed a basic ETP Operator (Effluent Treatment Plants from textil industry) training with duration of 60 hours. 3 days training is too short to teach and excercise all needed information but often it is a start in rethinking the own teaching style. This lady is an owner of an own consultancy in Dhaka, quite experienced in moderation and training skills. We enjoyed the discussion and the intercultural exchange of experiences.
I teached more than 100 people in 5 counties (Croatia, Egypt, Jordan, India and Bangladesh) during the last 3 years. I do like that work. It is exciting and makes fun and I always learn a lot – the participants always likes it.
Powerpoint is spoiling communication and teaching, I try to push that down and to empower new (old) methods. When it comes to worker training, reduce powerpoint to a minimum.

Rüdiger Heidebrecht